B  R  E  N  D  A     H  O  W  E  L  L

C a n y o n s  &  W e s t e r n  L a n d s c a p e s


P a i n t i n g s   i n  P u b l i c   a n d   P r i v a t e   C o l l e c t i o n s

P u b l i c
C o l l e c t i o n s

Grand Canyon - Afternoon Shadows Desert View

Afternoon Shadows - Desert View
36x48 inches
Pearce Museum of Western art
at Navarro College

Angel Butte Evening - Badlands

Angel Butte - Evening
12x16 inches
National Park Service
Badlands National Park

Laguna Beach 2

Laguna Beach #2
8x10 Inches
Phancao & Shaffer, LLP

Pima Point

Pima Point
9x12 inches
Eye Care Associates

Laguna Beach 1

Laguna Beach #1
8x10 Inches
Phancao & Shaffer, LLP

Grand Canyon - Toroweap #11

Toroweap #11 Looking West
16x20 inches
Eye Care Associates


P r i v a t e
C o l l e c t i o n s


Grand Canyon Snow and Light Painting by Brenda Howell showing dramatic evening light on canyon formations with snowy forground and trees at the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

Grand Canyon Snow and Light
30x40 inches

Grand Canyon Magnificence Painting by Brenda Howell showing dramatic evening light on Zoroaster Temple with forground trees in shadow at the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

Grand Canyon Magnificence
24x30 inches

South Rim Splendor Painting by Brenda Howell showing exciting light and cloud shadows on Zoroaster Temple in Grand Canyon.

South Rim Splendor
30x40 inches

Heart of the Canyon


Here Comes the Sun Painting by Brenda Howell showing early morning light on canyon formations with the river in view on the east rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

Here comes the sun
24x36 inches

Color Study Zoroaster #1 Painting by Brenda Howell showing colorful light on canyon formations with blue shadows on the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

Color Study Zoroaster #1
8x10 Inches

Glorieta Night Sky Painting by Brenda Howell showing colorful Milky Way and stars with forest landscape.

Glorieta Night Sky
5x7 Inches

Glorieta Winter Moonlight Painting by Brenda Howell showing colorful clouds and full moon and stars with snowy and rocky forest landscape.

8x10 inches

The Gossips Painting by Brenda Howell showing unusual and colorful rock formation in sandstone at Arches National Park in Utah.

The Gossips
12x12 inches

South Rim Majestic
30x40 inches

East Rim Morning Mist
24x36 inches

Big Sur Coast
30x24 inches

Ghost Ranch #4

Ghost Ranch #4
11x14 inches

Grand Canyon - Toroweap #10

Toroweap #10 Looking East
30x24 inches
Winner - Southwest art Magazine award


21x14 inches

Ghost Ranch Morning
16x20 inches

Color Study Zoroaster #2
8x10 Inches

Snowy Canyon Afternoon

Snowy Canyon Afternoon
6x6 inches

Portrait of a Mountain Lion

Portrait of a Mountain Lion
12x12 inches

Grand Canyon - Desert View Morning

Isis Temple in Winter
20x24 inches

pipe creek enters the colorado

Pipe Creek Enters the Colorado
20x24 inches

South Rim Magic

South Rim Magic
11x14 inches

Zoroaster Temple Afternoon

Zoroaster Temple Afternoon
8x10 inches

Glimpse of the Canyon Study

Glimpse of the Canyon Study
9x12 inches

Grand Canyon - Afternoon Shadows North Rim>

Afternoon Shadows - North Rim
36x48 inches

Rio Grande Gorge

Rio Grande Gorge
18x14 inches

Lower Falls - Yellowstone

Lower Falls - Yellowstone
10x8 inches

turret arch

Turret Arch

Morning Light in the Jemez

Morning Light in the Jemez
11x14 inches

painted desert late afternoon

Painted Desert Late Afternoon
16x20 inches

Rain Beyond Isis Temple

Rain Beyond Isis Temple
11x14 inches

Grand Canyon - East Rim Late Afternoon

East Rim Late Afternoon
30x40 inches

Grand Canyon - The River

View of Lava Falls Rapids
30x40 inches

Grand Canyon - Isis Temple

Isis Temple in the Mist
22x28 inches

Grand Canyon - Zoroaster in Winter

Zoroaster in Winter
14x18 inches

Grand Canyon - For the Love of Toroweap

For the Love of Toroweap
22x30 inches - Watercolor
Award Winner

Grand Canyon - Hopi Point at Sunset

Hopi Point at Sunset
30x22 inches - Award Winner
LWS International Show
30x22 Inches - Watercolor

Grand Canyon - Isis Temple in the Afternoon

Isis Temple in the Afternoon
14x18 inches

Grand Canyon - Confluence of the Colorado River and the Little Colorado

Confluence of the Colorado and the Little Colorado
16x20 inches

Grand Canyon - North Rim Pinyon Pine

North Rim Pinyon Pine
8x10 Inches

View of Unkar Delta

View of Unkar Delta
14x11 inches

Grand Canyon - South Rim Tree

South Rim Tree
8x10 Inches

Grand Canyon - North Rim Sentinal

North Rim Sentinal
11x14 inches

grand canyon cloud shadows

Grand Canyon Cloud Shadows
24x18 inches

Grand Canyon - West of Yaki Point

West of Yaki Point
8x10 inches

painted desert afternoon

Painted Desert Afternoon
12x16 inches

Joshua Trees in Spring

Joshua Tree in Spring
12x9 inches

Grand Canyon - Late Afternoon Drama

Late Afternoon Drama
5x7 inches

Grand Canyon - Toroweap Morning

toroweap Morning
12x9 inches


Grand Canyon - North Rim Late Afternoon

North Rim Late Afternoon
22x28 inches

Isis Temple

Sun Breaks on Isis Temple
9x12 inches

Grand Canyon Moonlight

Grand Canyon Moonlight
12x9 inches

Ghost Tree

Ghost Tree
16x12 inches

Grand Canyon - Zuni Point

Zuni Point
20x16 inches

Painted Desert Evening

Painted Desert Evening
14x11 Inches

morning light on south kaibab trail

Morning Light on S. Kaibab Trail
8x10 inches


south rim juniper

South Rim Juniper
22x28 Inches

Late Afternoon Walk South Rim

Late Afternoon Walk - South Rim
11x14 Inches

abyss study

the Abyss Study
12x16 Inches

Colorado River Light
12x16 inches